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Android Platform

  • Latest Android project
  • Kotlin Support
  • Support for Gradle 4.9

File Extension Support

Extenstions are defined via engines. Engines with android support:


  • Android Studio for Android development
  • Android SDK 23.0.1 or newer for Android development
  • Windows 10 Pro or a better variant if you want to start the emulator on a Windows machine. Windows Home or Educational do not support Hyper-V and that's required for starting the Android emulators

Project Configuration

Android Gradle3.3.1
Target SDK27


You can create variety of emulators via Android Studio IDE

Run on Simulator

rnv run -p android

Run on Device

rnv run -p android -d

Deploy on Device

This will run production version on your device (not connected to metro bundler) You can configure each buildScheme ie -s release in your config file ./appConfigs/<YOUR_APP_CONFIG>/renative.json

rnv run -p android -s release -d

Android X support

androidX is enabled by default

make sure you have this piece of script in package.json

"scripts" : {
"postinstall": "jetify"

Hermes support

Hermes can be enabled or disabled with "reactNativeEngine": "hermes" prop in or[SCHEME].reactNativeEngine


Clean and Re-build platform project

rnv run -p android -r

Launch specific android emulator:

rnv target launch -p android -t Nexus_5X_API_26

Launch app with specific iOS simulator (let ReNative to give you the list of available options):

rnv run -p android -t ?

Launch specific emulator :

rnv target launch -p android -t Nexus_5X_API_26

Launch specific emulator (let ReNative to give you the list of available options):

rnv target launch -p android -t ?

Get list of all available devices

rnv target list -p android

Get device/simulator logs

rnv log -p android

Get device/simulator logs with filter

rnv log -p android -f com.myapp

App Config

see: Android based config